Ready to Grow your Business with Facebook Ads?

Get started with this template and workbook!


Stop Wasting Your Time and Money on Ads That Don't Work!

Discover the 4 pieces of creating successful ad copy and selecting the images for your ads (This works for posts on your page, too!)

This template gives you the exact layout to get it right the first time.

No more wasted time and no more wasted money!

Start growing your business today!

Get your template and workbook now!

Meet Sherri-Lee.

Sherri-Lee is the founder of the Facebook Business Lab and loves teaching entrepreneurs all over the world how to use Facebook to grow their communities, collect more leads and make more sales!

She is a single mom of 2 young adults and created her business in the aftermath of her marriage ending, not only to support herself and her kids but to empower women all over the world to take control of their businesses, financial situations, and lives.

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